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Tardy Policy


Spring 2022 Tardy Policy & Procedure
Effective February 7, the following will be in place to support student on-time arrival to class:

Tardy Procedures:
During the first period of each day, students will be allowed to enter class for 30 minutes without a pass. After 30 minutes, tardy students will no longer be allowed on campus and will need to wait until the passing period to attend their next class*
After the first class of the day, teachers shall close their doors when the bell rings and require tardy students to receive a tardy sweep pass. For the first 20 minutes of the period, students may enter with a tardy sweep pass*. Students who are not in class by the 20-minute mark shall go to the intervention center (in the 500 stadium building).
Any student who enters class after the bell rings shall be marked tardy in synergy
*Students who arrive late for an excusable reason (ex: a medical or court appointment, with documentation) shall receive a pass from the front office and be allowed into their classes 

Tardy Sweep Procedures:
When the bell rings, our Campus Security Aides will “sweep” their building area for students who are not in class, and usher them to a tardy scan station, located in front of the 7000 and 1200 buildings. 
At the tardy scan station, supervision staff will collect the students’ information, provide a tardy sweep pass, and notify the student that they have a detention
Students will have 1 full school day to self-report to 30-minute detention in the Intervention Center after school or at Lunch. Students may also serve detention during an unscheduled period. Students must arrive to detention by 10 minutes after the bell rings.
Students who are no-shows to detention will receive a detention summons call slip
Students who fail to appear to their detention will receive further consequences

Unscheduled students on campus:
Unscheduled students at the beginning/end of the day must be off-campus
Exceptions are made for students who are reporting to a specific location such as the Media Center, Student Success Initiative room, etc - however, these students must report to their specific location by the end of the passing period, or go through the tardy sweep procedure
On Mondays only, students who have an unscheduled period prior to the end of their school day (period 2 and 7) must report to the bleachers, media center (if available), or another classroom (if allowed) by the end of the passing period