English Learners
LBUSD ELD Mission Statement
To support the growth of every English Language Learner to academic and social fluency in English, every day.
LBUSD ELD Vision Statement
Every English Learner a linguistically and culturally empowered individual in a global society.
Jordan High School ELD Program
Jordan’s English language development (ELD) program is under the umbrella of the English Department. Over subsequent years Jordan’s population of English learners grew, and the program expanded. College aides provide primary language support. At the beginning of the 2018 - 19 school year, there were more than 500 English Learners at Jordan, the majority are mainstreamed. There are 6 home languages represented: Spanish, Khmer, Filipino, Vietnamese, Samoan, Tongan and Urdu.
Jordan High School’s department of ELD consists of classes whose primary purpose is to develop English language and reading proficiency of English learners from the Beginning Stage to the Well Developed stage of language proficiency. These courses are correlated to the Common Core English Language Arts Standards. The classes are designed to accommodate the unique needs of students who are new to the country and take into account the variety of languages represented at Jordan.
All teachers at Jordan are qualified to give Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) strategies to assist our ELs in progressing academically. In addition, some courses are comprised of English Learners to enable more scaffolding of instruction in core subjects such as Algebra 2 and Chemistry.
Our goal is to help English learners attain a level of English proficiency that would enable them to redesignate as Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP). We strive to help these students meet the English Language Arts (ELA) standard and successfully pursue post-secondary studies.
To learn about the sequence of EL students and other program information, see the District website.
English Learners' progress is measured in multiple ways. One of those is the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment of California, the ELPAC. This gives the students, their families and the school information about the student's achievement in four areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The ELPAC is administered each spring to students who have taken it in prior years. It is also administered as the initial assessment when a student newly arrives. Practice ELPAC can be found here for 9th and 10th grades and for 11th and 12th grades: